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December 2021 Meeting – Subsurface Evaluation for Nuclear Waste Storage
2nd December 2021 @ 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm CET
The December DPS meeting be going ahead online on Thursday 2nd December, with the subject of “Subsurface Evaluation for Nuclear Waste Storage”.
We have two presenters, Rodney Garrard from NAGRA and Emilie Peyret from Schlumberger who will be presenting their work on a recent nuclear waste storage project. You can find abstracts and presenter biographies below. We wish to thank both Rodney and Emilie for offering to present at very short notice.
The virtual doors open at 15:30 with the meeting commencing at 16:00 NL time. The meeting will again be be conducted using GoToMeeting facilitated by the SPWLA. You can register at the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4202707694403099406
As always, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, attendance is free for members of the DPS.
Wireline Logging and Microhydraulic Fracturing at NAGRA
Dr. Rodney Garrard,
Project Manager Logging and Testing, Nagra
Emilie Peyret
Reservoir Domain Champion, Schlumberger
Nagra’s waste management concept foresees the deep geological disposal of radioactive waste in the clay-rich, mid-Jurassic, Opalinus Clay. The safe disposal of radioactive waste requires an accurate characterization of the mineralogy and fluids and structural geological setting in the host rock and its confining units. Wireline logging was an integral component of the extensive data acquisition program and represented a critical input to the overall assessment of the sites by providing direct input on mineral content and especially the clay content and type (i.e. splitting the clays into several end-members such as kaolinite, smectite, illite and chlorites) and to measure the pore volume and provide direct input on the mechanical properties, stresses and identification of possible fractures and faults and serving as a well-tie to acquired seismic data. As part of the data acquisition program, a strong focus has also been made on wireline-conveyed micro-hydraulic fracturing as one of key measurements for a robust understanding of the stresses with protocols developed to maximize the success rate and coverage in a diverse lithological column.
About the Presenters
Rodney Garrard is a geologist with over 18 years’ international experience in the oil and gas industry. Past duties include mudlogging, LWD/MWD for Schlumberger, Halliburton and Wellsite and Operations Geology for Chevron, Wintershall and VNG (Neptune Energy), Det Norsk, and Tullow Energy. Since 2018 he has been working as Project Manager for Nagra’s geological disposal assessment project.
Emilie Peyret is a Reservoir Domain Champion with Schlumberger based in Bucharest, Romania, with experience in wireline formation testing. She has worked in Kuwait, Mexico, Central and West Africa, and Europe. She started her career as a wireline field engineer before moving on to interpretation as a borehole reservoir engineer and then a domain champion. She holds an M.Sc. degree in petroleum geosciences and reservoir engineering from ENSG, France.